This is the new view of my office, as seen from the kitchen. This is now possible because I came home one day and saw Rich with a heavy duty razor cutting a hole in the wall.
The office needed a lot of work. It is one half of the house addition, probably done about 20 years ago - who knows. What we do know is that it was done badly. Also discovered when we tore up the carpet (which I started, by the way, thank you) was where that faint urine smell was coming from on warm days. (I know, gross.) There are pee spots EVERYWHERE, and it can't be much more than a 200 foot square space. There must be one pee spot for every 2 feet. So, some [bleep]-head kept their dog in there - probably when they didn't keep him/them in the dungy scary basement.
But I digress, a lot. Rich is now getting started on relocating the door from its current location at the top of the basement stairs, to the kitchen nook, which already looks better with the light coming in from the office. We ordered a woodframe glass door last night and got a pre-built pocket, which Rich will transform into a - yes, you guessed it - pocket door!
Yay, Rich!
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