The Best for Last . . . I Mean First (The First for Last?)

And now for one final update, and this is a big one: we sold our Hague House. It's someone else's Hague House now. But thanks to us (yay, us!) it's no longer anyone else's job to completely overhaul! 

Here are the final photos representing what it looked like when we sold it on August 28th, 2013...Thank you all (mom, my one loyal Hague House fan, who now follows from her garden bench in the ol' proverbial sky): 

The finally finished beautiful office

Our lovely kitchen

One of the first floor bedrooms

The courtyard

My raised beds, rain barrel

The arbor and fence to the raised beds

Front corner yard

Living room cozy reading corner

Front porch door, after removing the ghetto iron gate

First floor guest room

The original selling point: beautiful built in buffet

And the main living room, where we spent most of our time at Hague House

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